We are an integration specialist
Read about PadBoss Finance
Integrate your accounting software with PayProp

Preview Invoices
See your income and fees line by line in an invoice as they would appear in your financial software
Mapping Categories
Link your PayProp categories to your Xero Categories
Reduce Manual Input
Within clicks you can send your fully reconciled income and fees data into PayProp on a daily basis
Why use finance for Xero
We Can Save Your Agency Time
With PadBoss Finance you can integrate your Xero Account with PayProp.
Strenghten the security and access to your financial data coming out of PayProp and increase the agility of reconciling agency income into the bank.
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PadBoss Finance
For Xero Accounts
Create Mappings from PayProp to Xero
Max 3 users
99.9 Uptime Guarantee
PadBoss Finance
For QuickBooks
Create Mappings from PayProp to QuickBooks
Max 3 Users
99.9 Uptime Guarantee